Elison Macwan


About Elison Macwan

Environmental Engineer (Intern)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment

  • Solid Waste Management

  • Water/Air Quality Testing and Control

  • Cleaner Production Assessment

  • GAP Scan Analysis

  • Business Analytics

  • Business Model Development

    Elison has pursued a Bachelor’s and a Masters of Environmental Technology and is pursuing a Masters of Management for Engineers in Australia. He is certified in Cleaner Production Assessment by The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change , India.

    Elison has worked as an Environmental Auditor and Environmental Advisor in past years and offers a link with Developers and Investors to achieve greater sustainability and liveability when incorporating green building concepts into the design of Intentional Communities and affordable Social Housing.

    New developments built to achieve Green Star status, can become an integral part of designing affordable, Intentional Communities, promoting inter-generational inclusiveness, and healthier, more productive and resilient communities.

    Such developments are becoming more attractive to developers due to increasing demand and acceptable yields with the addition of SDA Approved dwellings forming part of such communities.

     An enduring and sustainable society is one that is based on a balanced, global eco-system, where all people can live in comfort committed to maintaining the four core values of sustainable urban development – social, environmental, economic and residential value.

    Elison, offers this expertise as part of a holistic approach to affordable social and disability and aged accommodation solutions.