Our workshops and seminars are fun, interactive and informative. We will individually design with you.
We place a premium on discussing the practical aspects of our subject matter; relying on the participants current experiences, and drawing on our own extensive knowledge base
Workshop 1
What is Social Entrepreneurship?
Are you interested in learning about the knowledge and skills required to become a social entrepreneur ?
If the answer is yes , these workshops are for you!
“Social Entrepreneurship Workshops” are a set of 3 online workshops
The workshops are accessible and designed for people of all ages and abilities wanting to explore the possibility of starting a business, as a way of addressing social issues of interest or concern to them
Workshop 2
Social Enterprise Workshops
Many not for profit organisations, are looking for new ways and opportunities to grow the capability and capacity of the people they support
Many not for profit organisations are looking to enhance their sustainability by diversifying their income source
One way to achieve both outcomes, is by establishing a Social Enterprise
These workshops have been specifically designed for not for profit organisations .
The workshops explain how to transform into a Social Enterprise, or start a Social Enterprise
Workshop 3
Resource Mobilisation Workshops
What is Resource Mobilisation?
Adding value through non- financial and financial resources
What is Blended Finance
What are resources needed to sustain your organisation?
Workshop 4
Mission, Vision and Values Workshops
These workshops can be adapted for start up organisations in the process of developing their mission Mission, Vision and Values, or for organisations that are reviewing their Mission, Vision and Value Statements
Session 1: What is Mission and Vision
Session 2: What are Value Statements and why are they important